Bardsong: the Myths of Tanicus Wikia

Many things come in four categories. Earth, fire, air, and water. Summer, winter, spring, and autumn. North, south, east, and west. On Tanicus, notions of immorality are also classified into four primal evils from which all other transgressions and indulgences are derived. These classifications are: Avarice, Deceit, Pride, and Wrath.

The first of these, avarice, covers such offenses as greed, gluttony, lust, and envy. Because of the world’s abundance during that time of the year, this evil is most closely associated with the season of Winter. The element of avarice is air, which forces itself into any open space it encounters. It is often associated with the cardinal direction west, where the world devours the sun and moon.

Deceit covers such sins as perjury, temptation of others, treachery, and disloyalty. Because deceit is fluid and ever changing, it is associated with the element of water, and because it is a time when much of the world is often hidden in rain and fog, spring is the season most often associated with this evil. Likewise, it is associated with the south, where not only is there an eternal snow, but also the mask of undeath over the living.

The evil of pride encompasses such indulgences as egotism, stubbornness, despair, and impenitence. It is associated with autumn, when the world so brazenly shows its myriad colors. Likewise, east is the cardinal direction with which it is most associated, as it is from that direction that the world hosts both the rise of the sun and the appearance of the stars and moon. Earth is the element associated with pride, because it stands opposed to progress

Finally, wrath is perhaps the most feared of all evils, including such transgressions and emotions as murder, hatred, anger, and pure, raw fury. It is associated with the heat and bright sun of the summer months, the element of fire, and the direction of north, where the heat lasts for most of the year. It is the very essence of violence, and is thus often associated with red, the color of blood.

Outside of these four primal evils, many see a forth force for evil in the world: those who embrace all evil for the purposes of evil in itself. This is the evil of blasphemy, which encompasses all other evils in its embrace. It is most often associated with clerics of the eidolon of darkness, who serve evil in its purest form. Its color is black, like the deepest night, and it has no season or direction, because pure evil is ever-present and everywhere.
